國立台灣科技大學 資訊工程系所


研 究 資 源

Intelligent Systems on the Web


Katia P. Sycara,
"Agents - Planning Techniques",
in Special Issue on Agents, AI Magazine, volume 19, Number 2, Summer 1998

A.Y. Levy, D.S. Weld,
"Intelligent Internet systems",
Artificial Intelligence, 05255, vol. 118, Iss. 1-2, April, 2000, pp. 1-14

L.A. Zadeh,
"A new direction in AI: towards a computational theory of perceptions",
in AI Magazine, 2001, No. 1 (Spring 2001), pp. 74-84.

AI Magzine, Volume 18, Number 2, Summer 1997.

S. Chakrabarti,
"Data mining for hypertext: A tutorial survey",
ACM SIGKDD Explorations, 1(2):1-11, 2000.

T. Joachims, D. Freitag, and T. Mitchell,
"Webwatcher: A tour guide for the world wide web",
In Proceedings of the International Join Conference on Artificial Intelligence IJCAI-97, pages 770-777, 1997

O. Zaiane and J. Han. Webml,
"Querying the world wide web for resources and knowledge",
In Proc. ACM CIKM ’ 98 Workshop on Web Information and Data Management (WIDM ’ 98), pages 9-12, 1998.

R. Kosala et.al,
"Web Mining Research : A Survey",
SIGKDD Explorations, 2000.

D. Greening,
" Data Mining on the Web",
Web Techniques, 2000.

Y. Yang, S. Slattery, and R. Ghani,
“ A study of approaches to hypertext categorization ”,
Journal of Intelligent Information Systems, 18(2-3):219-241, 2002

Isabelle Guyon, Andre Elissee,
“ An Introduction to Variable and Feature Selection “,
Journal of Machine Learning Research 3,pp.1157 – 1182,2003


1. M. Balabanovic and Y. Shoham, “ Learning Information Retrieval Agents:
Experiments with Automated Web Browsing, ” AAAI 1995 Spring Symp.
Information Gathering from Heterogeneous, Distributed Environments, AAAI
Press, Menlo Park, Calif., 1995.

2. Dunja Mladenic, “ Personal WebWatcher: design and implementation, ” Tech.
Report IJS-DP-7472, Dept. of Computer Science, J. Stefan Inst., 1996;

3. Katia P. Sycara, "Agents - Planning Techniques," in Special Issue on Agents,
AI Magazine, volume 19, Number 2, Summer 1998

4. Maes, P., “ Agents that Reduce Work and Information Overload, ” Commun. ACM,
Volume. 37, No. 7, July 1994, pp. 30 – 40.

5. Yang Y., Carbonell J.G., Brown R.D., Pierce T., Archibald B.T., Liu X.,
“ Learning Approaches for Detecting and Tracking News Events, ” IEEE
Intelligent Systems, July-Aug., 1999, pp. 32-43.

6. Tu, H.C.; Lyu, M.L.; Hsiang, J., “ Agent Technology for Website Browsing and
Navigation, ” Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Hawaii International Conference
on Systems Sciences, 1999, pp. 10-20.

7. A.D. Mali, On the evaluation of agent behaviors, Artificial Intelligence, Volume 143, Issue 1, Jan-2003

8. I.A. Stewart, The complexity of achievement and maintenance problems in agent-based systems, Artificial Intelligence, Volume 143, Issue 1, Jan-2003

9. An agent-based learning framework for modeling microbial growth, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Volume 14, Issue 6, Dec-2001

10. W.-P. Lee, T.-C. Tsai, An interactive agent-based system for concept-based web search, Expert Systems with Applications, Volume 24, Issue 4, May-2003

11. C.C. Albrecht, D.D. Dean, J.V. Hansen, Using situation calculus for e-business agents, Expert Systems with Applications, Volume 24, Issue 4, May-2003

Other Applications

1. A.Y. Levy, D.S. Weld,"Intelligent Internet systems," Artificial
Intelligence, 05255, vol. 118, Iss. 1-2, April, 2000, pp. 1-14

2. V.N. Gudivada et al., " Information Retrieval on the World Wide Web," IEEE
Internet Computing, 1(5), pp. 58-68, Sep./Oct. 1997.

3. G. Salton, "Automatic Text Processing: The Transformation, Analysis, and
Retrieval of Information by Computer," Addison Wesley, 1989.

4. C. Jenkins, M. Jackson, P. Burden, J. Wallis, " Searching the World Wide
Web: An Evaluation of Available Tools and Methodologies," Information And
Software Technology, 39(14-15), pp.985-994, Feb. 1998.

5. V.N. Gudivada et al., " Information Retrieval on the World Wide Web," IEEE
Internet Computing, 1(5), pp. 58-68, Sep./Oct. 1997.

6. S.H. Lin, M.C. Chen, J.M. Ho, M.T. Ko, and Y.M. Huang," ACIRD: Intelligent
Internet Documents Organization and Retrieval," in Special Issue on Web
Technologies, IEEE Transaction on Knowledge and Data Engineering,

7. C. Chekuri and M.H. Goldwasser," Web Search Using Automatic Classification,"
Poster Presentation Papers of the 6th International WWW Conference,
California, USA, Apr. 1997.

8. C. Lin and H. Chen.," An Automatic Indexing and Neural Network Approach to
Concept Retrieval and Classification of Multilingual (Chinese-English)
Documents," IEEE Trans. SMC-part B: Cybernetics, 26(1), 75-88, Feb. 1996.

9. T. Honkela et al.," WEBSOM--Self-Organizing Maps of Document Collections,"
Proceedings of WSOM'97, Espoo, Finland, June 1997,

10. S. Kaski, T. Honkela, K. Lagus, and T. Kohonen," WEBSOM--Self-Organizing
Maps of Document Collections," Neurocomputing, Vol. 21, pp. 101-117, 1998.

11. Y. Yang," Sampling Strategies and Learning Efficiency in Text
Categorization," AAAI Spring Symposium on Machine Learning in Information
Access, pp. 88-95, 1996,

12. D. Mladenic," Turning Yahoo into an Automatic Web-Page Classifier,"
Proceedings of the 13th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence
(ECAI'98), pp. 473-474, 1998,

13. D. Koller and M. Sahami," Hierarchically Classifying Documents Using Very
Few Words, " Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Machine
Learning, Nashville, Tennessee, pp. 170-178, July 1997,

14. Yu, P.S., “ Data Mining and Personalization Technologies, ” Proceedings of
6th International Conference on Database Systems for Advanced Applications,
1999, pp. 6 – 13.

15. Kohonen et al.,"Self orginization of a massive documet collection",IEEE
Trans. on Neural Networks,Vol. 11 No.3 , May. 2000.

16. T.Sawaragi and Y.Horiguchi, "Ecological Interface Enabling Human-
mbodiedied Cognition in Mobile Robot Teleoperation, "ACM Intelligence,
Fall 2000, pp20-32.(Identifying a Human Performing Tash Structure Using
the ART Model.)

17. S.C. Huang and Y.F. Huang, "Bounds on the # of Hidden Neurons in
multilayer Perceptrons, "IEEE Trans. on Neural Networks, Vol.2, No.1 ,
pp.47-55, 1991

18. Hsu, Chang, Hsieh, Lu and Chang, “ Reconfigurable Web wrapper agents for biological information integration. ” Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, Special Issue on Bioinformatics, 2003

19. S. Brin and L. Page. The anatomy of a large-scale hypertextual Web search engine. In Seventh International World Wide Web Conference, Brisbane, Australia, 1998

Special Issue

1. Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 118, Iss. 1-2, April, 2000.

2. Personalization:
CACM, Vol 43,Number8, August, 2000.

Web Intelligent

IEEE Computer 2002 issues: Nov 2002,Vol.35, Issue 11

"Choreographing web services" Paulson, L.D. Page(s): 25 -25

"In search of the wisdom web" Ning Zhong; Jiming Liu; Yiyu Yao
Page(s): 27 -31

"The web and social networks Kumar" R.; Raghavan, P.; Rajagopalan, S.;
Tomkins, A. Page(s): 32 -36

"Social intelligence design for the web" Nishida, T., Page(s): 37 -41

"Toward behavioral intelligence in the semantic web" Bryson, J.J.;
Martin, D.L.; McIlraith, S.A.; Stein, L.A., Page(s): 48 -54

"Ontology-based knowledge management" Fensel, D., Page(s): 56 -59

"Integrated approach to web ontology learning and engineering"
Missikoff, M.; Navigli, R.; Velardi, P., Page(s): 60 -63

"Data mining for web intelligence" Jiawei Han; Kevin Chen-Chuan Chang,
Page(s): 64 -70

"From computational intelligence to web intelligence" Cercone, N.;
Lijun Hou; Keselj, V.; Aijun An; Naruedomkul, K.; Xiaohua Hu,
Page(s): 72 -76

"Online collection offers information technology resource for libraries"
Piner, M.-L.G., Page(s): 80 -80

Infrastructure for E-Government Web Services, IEEE Internet Computing, Jan./Feb. 2003, pp. 58-65

S.S. Bhowmick, A. Kho Kiong, S. Madria, Formulating disjunctive coupling queries in a web warehouse, Data and Knowledge Engineering, Vol 46, Issue 1, Jul-2003

K.C. Lee, S. Lee, A cognitive map simulation approach to adjusting the design factors of the electronic commerce web sites, Expert Systems with Applications, Volume 24, Issue 1, Jan-2003

O.B. Kwon, Meta web service: building web-based open decision support system based on web services, Expert Systems with Applications, Volume 24, Issue 4, May-2003

An XML-based active document for intelligent web applications, Expert Systems with Applications, Volume 25, Issue 2, Aug-2003

J. FUrnkranz. Exploiting structural information for text classification on the WWW. In Advance in Intelligent Data Analysis, Third International Symposium, IDA-99, pages 487-498, 1999.

D. Freitag and A. McCallum. Information extraction with hmms and shrinkage. In Proceeding of the AAAI-99 Workshop on Machine Learning for Information Extraction, 1999.

L. Singh, B. Chen, R. Haight, P. Scheuermann, and K. Aoki. A robust system architecture for mining semistructured data. In Proceeding of The Second Int. Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, 1998, pages 329-333, 1998