國立台灣科技大學 資訊工程系所
國立台灣科技大學 資訊工程系所
(1)seach engine tutorial for web designer:
(2)pandia search world:
(3)search engine watch:
(4)Beginners' Central http://www.northernwebs.com/bc/
"A Survey of Information Retrieval and Filtering Methods"
Christos Faloutsos and Douglas Oard. 1996. A Survey of Information Retrieval
and Filtering Methods. Technical Report, Information Filtering Project, University of Maryland,
College Park, MD.
"WWW Robots and Search Engines" Heinonen, K. Hatonen, and K.
Klemettinen, "WWW robots and search engines." Seminar on Mobile
Code, Report TKO-C79, Helsinki University of Technology, Department of Computer
Science, 1996. http://citeseer.nj.nec.com/heinonen96www.html
"Information Retrieval on the Web" M. Kobayashi and K.
Takeda, Information retrieval on the Web, IBM Research Report, RT0347, April
2000. http://citeseer.nj.nec.com/kobayashi00information.html
"A Modern Approach to Searching the World Wide Web: Ranking Pages by
Inference over Content" http://citeseer.nj.nec.com/467021.html
"Searching the Web" A. Arasu, J. Cho and S.Raghavan, ACM
Transactions on Internet Technology, Vol.1, pp. 2-43, 2001
"Local Searching the Internet" M. Angelaccio and B.
Buttarazzi, IEEE Internet Computing, Vol. 6, pp. 25-33, 2002
"Ranking function optimization for effective web search by genetic
progeamming : an empirical study" W. Fan, M. D. Gordon, P. Pathak, W. Xi
and E. A. Fox, Proceedings of 37th Hawaii International Conference on System
Sciences (HICSS), 2004.
A search engine is a database system designed to index internet addresses
(urls, usenet, ftp, image locations etc). The typical search engine contains
a special program often called a spider , the spider accepts a url, it then
goes to that website and retrieves a copy of the file found there. Sometime
later, it the search engine will process that copy of the file, distilling it
down to the bare essential data it needs for the data base. While most search
engines request both a url and an email address, the search engine makes the
determination as to what data ends up in the database. In short, given a url,
an automated process occurs which results in your site being included into
the index.
Meta Search Engine
Unlike the individual search engines, meta-search engines do not have their
own databases. They just send queries to multiple web search engines. many
meta-search engines integrate search results, eliminate duplications, and
rank the results through their own criteria. Meta-search engines are not
designed for exhaustive searches. Most meta-search engines only make use of
the top 10 to 100 hits from each of the search engines . While this is sufficient
for most searches, individual search engines must be consulted if a user must
search all of the hits and can’t reformulate the
query to avoid a large number of hits.
Intelligent Search Agent
“Intelligent Web Search Agent as an autonomous, goal-directed
process that is situated in, is aware of, and reacts to its World Wide Web
environment”. It uses protocols to cooperate with
other agents (software or human) to accomplish its tasks. Intelligent Web
Search Agents understand information on individual document .
AI magazine Volume 18,issue 2
Hires a Grown-Up
Search Engine Watch members receive special editions of some SearchDay
articles and other valuable benefits. Learn more via the URL below:
http://searchenginewatch.com/about/subscribe.html?source=sday search engine
size http://searchenginewatch.com/reports/sizes.html
Google Fires New Salvo in Search Engine Size Wars
Google Goes for Stop Words
How Search Engines Use Link Analysis http://searchenginewatch.com/searchday/01/sd1219-links.html
Google Unveils More of the Invisible Web
Wisenut, the Google Killer? Nah...
New at Google
Google Polishes its Image
Google Restores Usenet Archive http://searchenginewatch.com/searchday/01/sd0509-googlegroups.html